Visual Quality - General Commands

The table below gives an overview of all the general commands you find in menus and toolbars

Name Description
New Folder Creates a folder under the selected folder
New object Creates a new object (for instance a document or a user) in the selected folder
Open object Open the data sheet for the selected object
Move to folder Move the selected object (for instance a document or a user) to another folder
Move folder Move the selected folder to another location in the folder structure
Up one level Navigate to the parent folder
Expand Expand the selected folder in the folder structure
Kollaps Collapse the selected folder in the folder structure
Expand all Expand all folders in the folder structure
Collapse all Collapse all folders in the folder structure
Print preview Show a preview of the how the list of object in the currently selected folder will look like in print
Print Print the list of objects
Export Export the list of objects to Excel
Cut Cut the selected text and paste it into the clipboard
Copy Copy the selected text and paste it into the clipboard
Undo Undo the latest text operation
Properties Show properties for the selected folder
Find Advanced search for objects and folders in Visual Quality
Find user relations Advanced search for user relations in Visual Quality. For instance "Find handbooks that the user is part of" 
Start page Go the the start page which displays statistics, news, actions and more
VQ Web Go to Visual Quality's web site,
VQ Videos Watch video tutorials about Visual Quality on
Help Go to the online help for Visual Quality on our web site
What's new Shows the complete version history for Visual Quality
Define views Organize views for the selected module
Card view Shows the list of objects in card view
List view Shows the list of objects in list view
Slet Delete or remove the selected objects or the selected folder
  Change database Change to another database. You will be asked to log on to the selected database
  Page setup Setup of page layout for printing
  Setup Lets you personalize Visual Quality, e.g. language and theme.