Visual Quality - Other commands

The table below shows an overview of the context specific (i.e. not general) commands that you find in menus and toolbars in Visual Quality.

Name Module Description
Handbooks Users Shows for the selected user, a list of all the handbooks that the user is linked to (or part of).
Relations Shows the relationships form for selected object, which allows you to maintain relations to other objects in the system.
Email Users, Documents Send an email to the selected user, or send the document and its attachment to a user
  Change password Users The logged in user can use this command to change his or hers password
Add to favorites   Adds the selected folder to the list of favorites
Send to historic Approved Transfers the selected approved document to Historic
Delete from Historic Historic Deletes the selected document from Historic
Send to approval Draft Sends the selected document(s) or the selected registration folder to approval
Approval Draft Shows the approval list for the selected document or the selected registration folder
Approvers Draft Add approvers for the selected document or the selected registration folder
Stop approval Draft Stops the approval process
Approve document Draft Approves the selected document or the selected registration folder
Reject document Draft Rejects the selected document or the selected registration folder
Actions Documents Shows the list of actions for the selected document
Recurrence Actions Recurrence interval pattern for the selected document action
Add user Rights Adds a user or multiple users to the selected rights folder
Remove user Rights Removes the selected user from the rights folder
Rights Rights Shows the rights for the selected rights folder
Document Handbook documents Lets you administrate documents for the selected handbook folder
Empty handbook folder Handbook documents Removes all documents and users from the selected handbook folder
Print handbook Handbook documents Prints all the documents within the selected handbook folder
Users Required reading Administrates all the users within the selected handbook folder
Insert table HTML editor Inserts a table in the hmtl document. Shows a dialog which allows you to specify attributes for the table
Intert row HTML editor Inserts a new row in the selected table. The row is inserted above the selected table row
Delete row HTML editor Removed the current row from the table
Insert column HTML editor Inserts a new column in the selected table. The column is inserted to the left of the current column
Delete column HTML editor Removes the current column from the table
Insert cell HTML editor Inserts a new cell in the current column. The cell is inserted to the right of the current cell
Delete cell HTML editor Removed the current cell from the table
Merge cells HTML editor Merge two or more cell into one cell
Split cell HTML editor Splits the current cell into two cells
Bold HTML editor Apply a font style of bold to the selected text
Italic HTML editor Apply a font style of italic to the selected text
Underlinie HTML editor Apply a font style of underline to the selected text
Color HTML editor Shows a dialog containing a color palette. The selected color in the dialog is applied to the selected text
Background color HTML editor Shows a dialog containing a color palette. The selected color in the dialog is applied to the background of the selected text
Left HTML editor Left justify the selected text
Center HTML editor Center the selected text
Right HTML editor Right justify the selected text
Numbered list HTML editor Formats the selected text as a numbered list
List HTML editor Formats the selected text as a bulleted list
Hyperlink HTML editor Adds a hyperlink to the selected text
Picture HTML editor Inserts a picture
Check form HTML editor Checks the registration form for errors. A list of errors or warnings appears at the bottom of the html editor
Word from Wordlist HTML editor Inserts a word from the Wordlist
Borders HTML editor For tables without borders (border size=0) this will allow you to view the table and it's size and position
Details HTML editor Shows the details for the html document, e.g. its paragraphs