Start Page

The start page (or home page) of Visual Quality Web Access contains various areas which give you a good overview of your quality mangement system.
The activities quick launch area provides direct links to all modules, and so does the tiles area which also shows you the total number of items in each module.
The favorites area has links to the most used lists and as you would expect, the entire contents of the page is fully customisable and controlled by user access rights.
Start page in Visual Quality Web Access
Registrations in Visual Quality Web Access


Each valid registration folder shown in Visual Quality Web Access shows links to all the registration lists/views (registrations that await my approval, completed registrations, etc.) that the user has access to.
Further, all registration lists can be customised to suit the user’s needs, for instance you can select which registration fields should be in the lists along with their order and width. You can also enable grouping of fields, column header resizing and reordering, specify alternate row colors plus more. .


Registration workflow

All users who have acccess to the first step in a registration workflow can create a registration. The fields in the form which have been enabled for step 1 will be editable, all other fields with either be disabled or hidden.
Upon submission an email is automatically sent to one or more of the users assigned to the second workflow step. The approver can either reject or approve the registration. In the first case the user who created the registration recieves a notification about the rejection. In case of approval the approvers on the next step will be notified.
It is also possible to save a registration as draft for later processing.

Registration workflow in Visual Quality Web Access
Handbook in Visual Quality Web Access


Documents can be organised in handbooks to better suit the company's needs. A handbook or a handbook folder can represent a unit, a team, a specific area (for instance 'work environment') in the quality system or anything else that you choose.
And the Access Rights system in Visual Quality ensures that a web access user of course only sees the handbooks he or she has access to.

Handbooks in Visual Quality Web Access offer the same functionality as the Documents module does in Web Access: you can open attachments, search and filter documents, export to Excel, etc.



Required Reading

All users who are part of a handbook or a handbook folder will get notified when one or more of the documents in handbook become valid. The favorites section in Visual Qualilty Web Access links directly to all the documents - across handbooks - that the current user needs to read.
Apart from reading the document attachment, the user must actively acknowledge that the document has been read by re-authenticating.

Required reading in Visual Quality Web Access